A Real Revolution
A little kindness can go a long way. While that’s true anywhere, it’s especially true when it comes to working in healthcare. Sometimes, the simplest gesture can mean so much to a patient or a co-worker.
That’s why we’ve decided to start a “Kindness Revolution” at Northside Hospital Forsyth, because we want to recognize and celebrate the tenderness and caring of all the members of the Northside Family.
Our “Caught in the Act of Kindness” campaign allows employees to single out and salute those who routinely go above and beyond every day and make working here more than just a job.
The nominees will get a special certificate, a T-shirt and a pin as they are honored by their supervisors. The certificates will be placed on each department’s “Kindness Bulletin Board” and their names also will be featured on the TV screens near the cafeteria. As a finale, our kindness winners will be recognized at the Patient Experience Awards in May.
Nurse Sarah H. was “caught in the act” of helping a patient celebrate her 96th birthday. Sarah had balloons sent to the room and helped lead the staff in singing “Happy Birthday” for the patient, who tearfully clapped along. It was an amazing moment of kindness.
Dr. Wayne A. of the GI Lab singled out the kindness and compassion of Dacella R., calling her “an amazing asset to the team,” while Jae B. singled out co-worker Buddy C. for not only noticing that her car license plate was about to fall off, but fixing it for her, too!
The acts of kindness aren’t limited to one unit. Oncology Nurse Bailey R. asked some of her teacher friends to have students make Valentine’s Day cards for our Oncology patients. The kids did an amazing job and we had enough cards for every patient – all of whom were touched by the sweet gesture. The cards really brightened their day.
We are aware that kindness is a choice, and we’re proud to know that so many Northsiders make it their first choice in almost any situation. It’s one of the fundamental things that sets members of the Northside family apart every day – and one of the main reasons we’ve chosen them to be on the front lines of our Kindness Revolution.